
CAFCASS Co-Parenting Hub Launch

“Cafcass” is the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. Its primary role is to provide trained social workers who advise the Court in legal proceedings involving children. Those social workers also assist separated parents and provide assistance to separating families who need it.

Until now, parents who have separated were unlikely to encounter Cafcass unless one of them issued court proceeding (upon the issue of proceedings, a Cafcass officer is assigned to every case).

With the launch of the Co-Parenting Hub, separated (or separating) parents can now access information and tools emanating from Cafcass and the Ministry of Justice for the first time.

Separated Parents

The Co-Parenting Hub allows parents to access information such as the “Separated Parents Information Programme,” which is a course of information designed to inform parents about the effects of the separation on children and the possible effects of the parents own behaviour on children. Attendance on the Separated Parents Information Programme is almost always ordered by the court when parents are involved in legal proceedings because it is considered an excellent way of providing child focused information and guidance at a time of understandable high emotion.

All separating parents who have experienced any difficulties in agreeing arrangements for their children should look at the Separated Parents Information Programme on the Cafcass Co-Parenting Hub.

To compliment this, there is an online interactive programme called “Getting it right for children”, which demonstrates how conflict can be resolved by co-parents.

The Hub

The Hub also offers practical assistance to agree arrangements for children in the form of a Parenting Plan. When parents register with the Hub, it allows suggestions from each to be shared with the other using an email alert system.

It is sometimes the case that disagreements about the arrangements for children occur long after the separation of the parents. Sometimes even long after court proceedings have been concluded. The team at Paradigm Family Law feel that this Hub could be very useful for assisting parents who find themselves in this position. Its resources can help in resolving conflicts between separated parents who may not have been in substantive contact with each other for a long period of time.

Currently there is additional material on the Hub addressing Covid-19 and how separated parents should deal with this in a range of situations. Perhaps also read our library post here.

There were two pilot schemes of the Hub launched before its recent general roll out and in a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Justice of those who used the resource, 100% of those asked said they would recommend it to a friend. High praise for an exciting new tool.


If you would like more details on this or want to discuss your family law matter, please do not hesitate to contact JamesFrank or Evelyn. Paradigm Family Law offers a free initial consultation with a top rated divorce lawyer and our fixed fee solutions cover financial proceedings from start to finish. You can call us on 01904 217225 or email us to [email protected].