
This week Resolution – First for Family Law are raising awareness for alternative forms of dispute resolution when relationships break down. They have commissioned research which highlights the impact that relationship problems at home can cause at work. The full report for Resolution DR Week can be found here.

Impact on productivity in Yorkshire and Humberside

The report’s findings are significant as they show what the actual cost is to the British Economy caused by relationship breakdown. The figures highlight what a negative effect there is on productivity at work when employees are struggling at home. The survey looks at all regions, and gives details of the impact for each. For example, in the Yorkshire and Humberside region alone, 6% of people have either had to leave their job as a result of their own separation, or have seen a colleague move on for the same reason. According to Resolution, the stress of separation also has an impact, with 13% saying they or one of their colleagues has had to take sick leave as a direct result of the anguish of a break up. Further statistics show that 15% of people in Yorkshire & Humberside said separation and divorce has had a negative impact on productivity where they work.

Yet despite the effect it has on them or their colleagues, just 7% of people in Yorkshire and Humberside think their employers offer adequate support for people going through a break up, with 35% saying more needs to be done to provide support in the workplace for those undergoing separation or divorce.

National cost of relationship breakdown

Last year the Centre for Social Justice estimated the annual cost to government of family breakdown to be £46bn. The latest survey, carried out by the polling company ComRes which interviewed more than 4,000 adults online, shows the personal damage.

Small businesses hit most

Paradigm Family Law’s James Thornton is a member of Resolution and accredited specialist. In his capacity as spokesperson for the North and West Yorkshire region of Resolution, he says:

“It can be easy to forget that sometimes things going on outside of work have a profound effect on what happens within it, as these figures show.

“With workers across the UK seeing a notable impact on productivity, taking sick leave, or even leaving their jobs altogether, divorce and separation is an issue that bosses in York need to take seriously and look out for the warning signs.

“There are 34,410 small businesses (i.e. those with less than 50 employees) in the York and North Yorkshire region, so losing just one member of staff, even for a short amount of time, can have a huge impact on productivity, and on the other people that work there.

“Divorce is a really stressful thing to go through – but there is a better way to deal with it. That’s why Resolution members in York help people manage their separation in a way that minimises conflict, focuses on the needs of any children they might have, and helps them avoid court if they can.

“Divorce and separation affects a huge number of people – 75% of people in Yorkshire & Humberside have been through a split themselves, or know someone who has.

“So if someone you know at work is separating from their spouse or partner, encourage them to speak to a Resolution member, read the advice on the Resolution website, or download our free guide to the options available to them. Separation is tough, but there is a better way.”

 Help is at hand

If you or a friend or colleague is going through a tough time in their relationship, and might benefit from speaking to us let them know that we are here to help. We offer fixed fees tailored to suit the needs of each individual case. For all enquiries please email [email protected] or call 0845 6020422 to speak to him.

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