
Resolution is an organisation of 6,500 family lawyers and other professionals across England and Wales. The members deal with their cases and clients in a constructive, non-confrontational way. As an organisation, Resolution also campaigns for improvements to the family justice system.

Good practice

The cornerstone of membership of Resolution is adherence to the Code of Practice, which sets out the principles of a non-confrontational approach to family law matters. The principles of the code are widely recognised and have been adopted by the Law Society as recommended good practice for all family lawyers.

The code requires lawyers to deal with each other in a civilised way and to encourage their clients to put their differences aside and reach fair agreements.

Resolution Manifesto for Family Law

Resolution has just published its manifesto for family law, which it sets out in full on its website. It acknowledges that divorce and separation are a fact of modern life, affecting hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Resolution consider the present law to be out of touch with modern society, and expresses the need for family law to catch up.

On 23 February, Resolution will launch the manifesto. On their website they explain: Resolution’s Manifesto for Family Law sets out what the next government should do in order to improve the lives of separating and separated families across England and Wales, for marriages, civil partnerships and unmarried couples. The current laws around divorce and separation are often barriers to finding constructive outcomes in separation.

Resolution’s Manifesto identifies six key areas where changes are needed to our family justice system:

  1. Protect vulnerable people going through separation 
  2. Introduce measures to help separating people reach agreements out of court
  3. Introduce a Parenting Charter to help parents understand their responsibilities when they separate
  4. Allow people to divorce without blame
  5. Help people understand how their divorce will affect their future finances
  6. Provide at least basic legal rights for couples who live together if they separate

Resolution wants to see a family justice system that:

  • provides support through relationship breakdown
  • puts children first, helping separating / separated parents to work together in the child’s best interests
  • provides fair and lasting outcomes on relationship breakdown
  • protects all those at risk of harm and sufferers of domestic abuse


Resolution’s wish is for the Manifesto to start conversations with politicians, government bodies and other influential figures to bring change in the area of family law. The Guardian covers the manifesto today, speaking to the Chair, Jo Edwards here. For more information go to the Resolution website and join the discussion.


James Thornton, Managing Partner at Paradigm Family Law is an accredited specialist family lawyer member of Resolution. He was recently awarded Government accreditation for his approach to family law matters.

If you would like more information about the campaign, or have a family law query and would like his advice, please contact James on 0845 6020422 or email: [email protected] for a free initial consultation.