You Can Run But You Can’t Hide As we are currently still in the transition period after the Brexit withdrawal agreement , the European Court decided an urgent issue within international child maintenance enforcement proceedings. The Court has been asked to...Read MoreTags: international, child maintenance, debt
Child Maintenance Rules and Tables in Germany : New rates in place since 1st January 2020 The Düsseldorf table changed at the turn of the year 2019/20. Based on the increase in minimum maintenance due to the minimum maintenance regulation, the standard rates for child...Read MoreTags: child maintenance, dusseldorfer tabelle, germany
Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 – Financial Support for Children AN UPDATE to be read in conjunction with Child Maintenance and Schedule 1 – which one? At Paradigm Family Law we continue to see high levels of enquiries from unmarried parents concerning child...Read MoreTags: child maintenance, schedule 1, financial support
The “Düsseldorfer Tabelle” The “Düsseldorfer Tabelle” for German Child Maintenance changed on 1st January 2018 and might have an impact on the Child Maintenance you receive or have to pay. Here are the most important changes: The minimum Child Maintenance...Read MoreTags: child maintenance, dusseldorfer tabelle, germany
Child Maintenance At Paradigm Family Law we seem to have an increasing number of enquiries from unmarried parents concerning child maintenance and financial provision outside of the remit of the Child Support Agency (CSA) or Child Maintenance and Enforcement...Read MoreTags: family law, maintenance, financial, financial proceedings, child maintenance, children act, schedule 1, schedule one