Relocation with Children As Henry Ford says, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Moving forward or relocating to a different country is sometimes difficult, especially when the parent left behind does not want a distance...Read MoreTags: children, children act, abroad, relocation, shared care, welfare of the child
Covert Operations As practitioners, we are often asked whether a parent can or should make recordings of conversations with the other party or even the child in the context of an ongoing dispute over arrangements for their child. The motives for a parent wanting to...Read MoreTags: children, contact, children act, cafcass, custody, recording
Child Maintenance At Paradigm Family Law we seem to have an increasing number of enquiries from unmarried parents concerning child maintenance and financial provision outside of the remit of the Child Support Agency (CSA) or Child Maintenance and Enforcement...Read MoreTags: family law, maintenance, financial, financial proceedings, child maintenance, children act, schedule 1, schedule one