In the intricate domain of international family law, relocation cases represent a particularly challenging frontier. These cases often bring to the fore the delicate balance between the desire of a parent to move, perhaps for a new job, a fresh start, or to be closer...Read MoreTags: relocation, international
International Family Law – New Parental Responsibility Development in Japan Last month we learned that the subcommittee of a Japanese Justice Ministry panel prepared a draft proposal that includes giving divorced parents joint custody of their children. The...Read MoreTags: eu law, international law, japan, parental rights, parental responsibility, international
You Can Run But You Can’t Hide As we are currently still in the transition period after the Brexit withdrawal agreement , the European Court decided an urgent issue within international child maintenance enforcement proceedings. The Court has been asked to...Read MoreTags: debt, child maintenance, international
In the matter of C (Children) [2018] UKSC 8 – 14.02.2018 BACKGROUND This matter centres around a married man and woman who, until 2015, had been living together in Australia with their two children. By the end of 2014 the marriage was in difficulties. The mother, who...Read MoreTags: child abduction, international
Maintenance Enforcement – Advance to Go We all know that, “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water”. But what if you want to make a direct move, as it is possible in Monopoly, and the water is not muddy at all, as some let you...Read MoreTags: enforcement, maintenance, international